
I don’t believe in eating much Of turkey, punkin’ pie and such. It makes you dream bad dreams at night, An’ besides its not polite. Now I am not going to stuff and stuff An’ act like I can’t get enough. For me a turkey leg will do, A slice…

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Yesterday I posted an article from The Atlantic and a video from The Lincoln Project on Facebook. Both made allegations of comments that President Trump has made concerning the military.  I knew who would instantly comment that the story was total BS or #fakenews.  Here is the deal.  I grew…

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Within hours of Captain Crozier’s letter to the Pentagon hitting the San Francisco Chronicle, my Facebook feed lit up with the armchair Admiralty holding court and determining the fate of the Captain, the Navy, and the Administration.  As a former Sailor and Soldier (I served in two branches of the…

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Last night I was able to go to a “Onboarding” event for a new FSO arrival in Pretoria. Great event, lots of interesting people and discussions. I was asked, after being here in South Africa for two weeks, what was my big take away? After thinking for a moment, the…

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